Social Zazz

Giant Wolf Spiders Are Scarier Than Anything You’ll See On Halloween (Video)

There are certainly a lot of things in this world to be fearful of, like Ebola (especially now that it’s come to New York), sharks and evil clowns.

But nothing — and I mean nothing — is as scary as what you’re about to see.

Facebook user Bobby Brown was in a garage when he spotted this monstrous wolf spider. According to his description, the massive arachnid was an estimated 4 inches wide, its body alone nearly the size of a Gatorade cap.

If the size of the spider isn’t enough to make you sick, wait until the end of the clip, when the cameraman zooms in to reveal thousands of little baby spiders clinging to the creature’s back.

It is quite possibly the worst thing you’ll ever see in your entire life. If you think you can stomach it, watch the clip up top — but know that you’ve been warned.

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