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3 Inspiring Therapy Cats Who Are Changing Lives

Sometimes all you need is a kitty. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { if (BF_STATIC.bf_test_mode) localStorage.setItem(‘posted_date’, 1409151647); }); BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_posted_time_3429076”).innerHTML = “posted on ” + UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(1409151647); });

1. Draven is a two-year old rescue cat from Pennsylvania.

Draven is a two-year old rescue cat from Pennsylvania.

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

He spends his time visiting hospitals, convalescent centers, schools, and an Assisted Living Center.

He spends his time visiting hospitals, convalescent centers, schools, and an Assisted Living Center.

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

During his visits to hospitals, Draven rides in a pet stroller so he’s “at a good level for bed ridden folks.”

During his visits to hospitals, Draven rides in a pet stroller so he's "at a good level for bed ridden folks."

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

Sometimes he’ll even jump out of the stroller and snuggle up on a patient’s bed!

Sometimes he'll even jump out of the stroller and snuggle up on a patient's bed!

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

Draven also has a special “treat stick” that his new friends can feed him from.

He’s even encouraged people with an injured or weak arm to feed him, despite their ailment.

Draven also has a special "treat stick" that his new friends can feed him from.

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

In addition to bringing joy to everyone he meets, he travels around to conventions and competitions to help raise awareness for the amazing work that therapy cats do.

In addition to bringing joy to everyone he meets, he travels around to conventions and competitions to help raise awareness for the amazing work that therapy cats do.

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat


3 Inspiring Therapy Cats Who Are Changing Lives

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2. Teddy is a one-year old Ragdoll cat who volunteers his time to people in need.

Teddy is a one-year old Ragdoll cat who volunteers his time to people in need.

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Facebook: Pacific.Lutheran.University

In his first outing as a therapy cat, Teddy visited Pacific Lutheran University during finals week.

In his first outing as a therapy cat, Teddy visited Pacific Lutheran University during finals week .

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Facebook: Pacific.Lutheran.University

Teddy’s presence helped alleviate stress and brought a smile to many students’ faces during the tense week.

Teddy's presence helped alleviate stress and brought a smile to many students' faces during the tense week.

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Facebook: Pacific.Lutheran.University


3 Inspiring Therapy Cats Who Are Changing Lives

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3. Mim is a rescued purebred Exotic Shorthair.


Mim was picked up by the SPCA after being abandoned outside in her carrier.


Now, Mim spends her days making visits as a volunteer therapy cat.


Her adorable bug eyes and sweet demeanor bring happiness to everyone she meets.


Therapy cats raise spirits and their sweet, quiet dispositions bring cheer to everyone they meet.

Therapy cats raise spirits and their sweet, quiet dispositions bring cheer to everyone they meet.

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Sometimes all you need is a snuggle from a happy, purring kitty.

Sometimes all you need is a snuggle from a happy, purring kitty.

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Facebook: draventhetherapycat

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