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Tag: benedict cumberbatch

Which Benedict Cumberbatch Character Are You?

Answer a Cumberbatch of questions and discover your true identity. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Via The Associated Press ✓ Denis Aglichev / Via Thinkstock ✓ A well-fortified castle somchaisom / Via Thinkstock ✓ The moon Akabei / Via Thinkstock ✓ A cozy farmhouse piovesempre / Via Thinkstock ✓ A hyper-modern house karamysh / Via…

Benedict Cumberbatch Tries To Describe The ‘Booty’ To Jimmy Fallon

[youtube] Benedict Cumberbatch went on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon Monday night, and the pair played a game called Three-Word Stories. Basically, the players go back and forth adding three words to a story they are making up on the spot. The catch, however, is that one contestant is trying to guide the other…