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Tag: Funny

If Cable TV News Existed During Time Of Moses

Everyone knows the story of Moses, of how he freed the Israelite people from the bondage of the Egyptians. But how would the politics of those days be seen on today’s 24/7 cable news cycle? Let’s find out.    Read more:

Creepy Talkboy Commercial

The Talkboy, originally a fake prop in Home Alone 2, became a smash hit toy in the early 90′s. Any Generation X or Y kid remembers the classic toy, especially the iconic commercials.  Famous YouTuber KassemG went back in time and made a very special extended commercial for the TalkBoy. Let’s just say the creepy level is definitely maxed…

Spongebob Squarepants Serious Inception Trailer Spoof

After Inception debuted in 2010, the Internet was hit by a tidal wave of Inception trailer parodies and spoofs. There’s just so much you can do with that amazingly powerful theme music.  DerDieDas bet his friend if he could edit a ridiculous movie into something serious. Let’s just say Steinobst was successful. He took the goofy antics of Spongebob Squarepants and added…

Kids On The 2012 Oscars

Our friends at Guyism went to the streets on New York City to find out what kids thought of this year’s upcoming Academy Awards airing this Sunday. As expected, the kids are hoping that Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D and Jack and Jill are the the winners for best motion picture.   Read more:…

Trolling A Spider

This ridiculous video went viral over the weekend after being featured on Reddit, and now stands with over one million views.  After noticing a small arachnid on his paper, CcanCcaglar started blocking its path with pen marks, only to be surprised when the little bugger wouldn’t dare cross it. Things progressed from there to full on ‘trolling.’…

Stereotypes At Every Business Meeting Ever

No matter what company you work for, it seems every business meeting involves the same people. There’s the weak leader who has no control of the situation, the guy who only cares about staying on time, the woman who sees a problem in every idea, you get the idea. Comedians Tripp and Tyler recreate every business meeting ever in…

Dogs Dressed As Bumblebees On Merry Go Round

The concept is simple enough. Take four adorable dogs and dress them in cute bumblebee costumes. Put them on a merry go round type ride and post the video to YouTube. Then just sit back as the views come pouring in.   Read more: