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Latest Attack: ISIS Just Put The Pentagon On eBay

While heads of state debate how to handle the surge of Syrian refugees fleeing for their lives, ISIS continues its relentless campaign of violence and terror. Its most recent strike is a big one: This morning, U.S. military officials were stunned to discover that the Islamic terrorist group had placed the Pentagon up for auction…

The Third American Hostage Held By ISIS Is A 26-Year-Old Woman

The extremist Islamic State group kidnapped the humanitarian worker in Syria last year. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { if (BF_STATIC.bf_test_mode) localStorage.setItem(‘posted_date’, 1409077570); }); BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_posted_time_3429223”).innerHTML = “posted on ” + UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(1409077570); }); A 26-year-old American woman is the third known hostage held by the extremist Islamic State group in Syria, family members and U.S. officials…