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Tag: shocking

This Filmmaker Could Have Been Killed At Any Moment, But He Kept The Camera Rolling Anyway

For “Frontline” filmmaker Olly Lambert, what began as an interview with a Syrian rebel commander quickly transformed into an unprecedented encounter with the immediate aftermath of a bombing run by government jets. The resulting documentary provides what is possibly the most immersive account of the brutal Syrian civil war ever recorded, and is a must-watch…

She Wanted To Report The Truth, And Ended Up A War Correspondent In Her Own Country

Meet four incredibly tough women journalists in a town once called the “murder capital” of the world. They describe their work, and also why they keep doing it. Fair warning: The video contains very graphic footage of the aftermath of violence. [youtube] The scene is set starting at 3:10, when one journalist describes what…

A Politician Loses It On The State House Floor, Says What All Of Us Are Thinking

In Michigan, the Republican-controlled legislature succeeded in passing a new “right-to-work” law, which weakens unions’ ability to negotiate and has serious negative implications for all workers in the state. They had no public meetings, no debate, no time for review, and had Republican staffers sit in seats in the gallery to block citizens from even…

Her Husband's Abuse Once Kept Her Behind Closed Doors. Now She's Speaking Out, Loud And Clear.

State Sen. LeAnna Washington experienced hellish abuse, and she is not alone; it is unacceptably common. According to the World Health Organization, “on average, 30% of women who have been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence by their partner.” Listen as she tells the harrowing tale…

She Doesn't Have A Problem With Compliments. She Has A Problem With Compliments Meant For Things.

Sometimes what you don’t hear is just as hurtful as what you hear. [youtube] Read more:

Latest Attack: ISIS Just Put The Pentagon On eBay

While heads of state debate how to handle the surge of Syrian refugees fleeing for their lives, ISIS continues its relentless campaign of violence and terror. Its most recent strike is a big one: This morning, U.S. military officials were stunned to discover that the Islamic terrorist group had placed the Pentagon up for auction…

This Unjust War Costs Us Nearly $4 Billion Every Year. No, Not Iraq or Afghanistan. The Other One.

Behind every fact is a face, behind the data is discrimination, and behind the arrests is an issue America has yet to solve. But until the broken system is fixed, the unjust problem shown in this video will still exist. [youtube] Read more:

What Do You Think Of The People Who Profit From War?

War is paid for with lives and tax dollars, while the profits go straight to companies that manufacture the tools of death and destruction. Like and share this if you think it’s gross for war profiteers to make millions off of people who make the ultimate sacrifice in our so-called quest for peace. [youtube]…

Love Your Neighbor, Even If She's A Shark

I first heard about endangered sharks years ago but had no idea how bad things have gotten. Stop-you-in-your-tracks statistics (and cool animations) start at 2:00 and put the issue in perspective. Artists are doing great work to reverse major biases that many of us hold against a really important member of the coral reef community.…

KONY 2012 Part II: Whoa! You Actually Let Ugandans Speak This Time

Last month, the Invisible Children released the world’s most viral social media video of all-time: “Kony 2012”. Now, they’ve released “Kony 2012: Part II — Beyond Famous”, responding to critics (somewhat) and continuing their quest to capture the International Criminal Court indicted war criminal, Joseph Kony. Will you do more than just watch this time?…