Social Zazz

Tag: touching

I Hate Advertising, Except When It's Done Like This

I’m not crying. I’ve just got something in my eye, like a tree or a branch or these women being awesome or something. [youtube] Read more:

She Came Here To Swap Lunches And Eat With Her BFF … And She’s All Out Of Lunches

When it comes to tearing up, everyone has their tipping point. But if you can listen to these bright-eyed, smiley kids explain exactly how they and their families make it through summer without catching a stone cold case of emotions, I commend you. [youtube] Read more:

What Does The Future Look Like? I'd Be Pretty Darn Excited If We Can Make It Look Like This.

The world is a tough place. Kids go hungry, families struggle to get by without clean water, climate change is scary … the list goes on and on. It’s enough to make you want to dream of something better. Unilever launched Project Sunlight to help with some of those things. The project includes some cool…

Brand New Political Strategy: Being Genuine

The youth vote can really affect an election — IF you can get them to a voting booth. Van Jones is advocating for an entirely new policy: honesty. [youtube] Read more:

The One Where A Teen Has Hundreds Of Shoes And Does Something Ridiculously Cool With Them

As a young kid, Nicholas visited homeless shelters with his mom. He saw how much not having shoes that fit properly affected the kids: They couldn’t participate in sports, missed school, and felt badly about themselves. So before he was even a teenager, Nicholas did something about it. Read more:

If You Think Jennifer Lawrence Is Sorry For Her Nude Photos, You're In For A Surprise

In late August 2014, anonymous hackers released intimate photos of several celebrities, mostly female, on the Internet. One of those celebrities was Jennifer Lawrence. And guess what? Now she’s speaking up about it. And she’s not ashamed any more. I support everything she’s got to say here. 100%. Read more: