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Tag: close up

Close-Up of the First Mechanical Gear Ever Found in Nature

© Burrows/Sutton The biological form of a mechanical gear was observed in nature for the first time in juvenile planthoppers (Genus: Issus), a common insect that can be found in gardens across Europe. The insect has hind-leg joints with curved cog-like strips of opposing ‘teeth’ that intermesh, rotating like mechanical gears to synchronise the animal’s…

Incredible Examples of Electron Microscope Photography

Caterpillar 30x Magnification (5mm width) | Photograph by OLIVER MECKES Electron microscopes help bring nanoscience to life, providing a level of detail to scientists that was simply not available mere decades ago. The FEI Company is a worldwide leader in electron microscope technology. Below you will find a small collection of images from scientists around…