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Tag: elephant

Locals Help Elephant Stuck In Trench

An elephant fell, and became stuck upside down in a narrow trench in a tea plantation. Luckily, twenty some nice humans found the elephant and helped dig him out.     [youtube] Read more:

Elephant Attacks Car in Thailand (Video)

[youtube] Elephant Attacks Car in Thailand (Video) A wild elephant was filmed trashing a car in Thailand’s Khao Yai National Park. Another elephant attacked a local shop and a restaurant in the park. No one was injured in the incidents. [youtube] H/T: BBC Read more:

8 Heartbreaking Stories of Animal Prosthetics

People have been applying prosthesis to help the handicapped ones ever since the Egyptians – but probably only recently we realized, we’re not the only ones suffering the pain on Earth. Unlike people, animals can’t cry or complain about the pain, and the less resilient ones lead a much shorter and harder life in case…