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Tag: gopro

Far Cry 4 In Real Life Is An Action Packed First Person Adventure

The much anticipated sequel first person shooter Far Cry 4 has just hit store shelves and online retailers. To get fans and gamers excited, Devin Supertramp worked with Ubisoft to recreate the game in this action packed first person view short film.    [youtube] Read more:

Brave 4th Grader Takes On First Ski Jump

First times are always scary. Sometimes, it helps to psych yourself up. ‘You can do this, you can do this…’ This 4th grader stood at the top of a ski jump, and you can really hear the fear in his voice. But he forces himself to take the jump, and afterwards cheers, ‘Just the suspense…

Fox Tries to Eat a GoPro Camera (Video)

Jonathan VanBallenberghe spotted a red fox on the Round Island, Alaska, so he set down his GoPro camera to get a close-up. But the fox took off with the camera and started chewing on it: [youtube] H/T: Alaska Dispatch Read more: