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Tag: mental floss

Why Are Tortoises So Slow

The Tortoise is known as one of the slowest animals in the animal kingdom. It even stars in a famous children’s story, The Tortoise And The Hare. But why are they so slow? Craig of Wheezy Waiter and Mental Floss explains that because they eat plants, and can simply hide from predators in their shells they have…

79 Common Mispronunciations

Isn’t it annoying when you hear someone mispronounce a seemingly simple and common word over and over? John Green of Mental Floss finds this common faux pas terribly obnoxious, so he has stepped forward to help end it. In his the newest episode of his weekly show, he explains and corrects 79 Common Mispronunciations. So can we all stop…

25 Little Known Facts About Thanksgiving

Did  you know the Pilgrims didn’t even dress as they are presented in nearly every school play and cartoon? Buckles didn’t become fashionable until the 18th century, so naturally, they didn’t wear those iconic black buckle hats.  Super nerd John Green of Mental Floss explains this and 24 other little known facts about Thanksgiving just in time…