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Tag: parenting

The Parent Rap (Video)

Mom and Dad are in the house, spitting some funny rhymes about parenting and stuff… [youtube] via Miss Cellania Read more:

Father Takes Heartwarming Photos Of His Children And Their Animals In Rustic Village In Poland

Sebastian Łuczywo is a father-of-two who creates stunning and heart-warming photos of his family and pets in a small, quaint and beautiful rural village in Poland. Łuczywo, a business adviser by day and devoted photographer by night, agreed to talk to Bored Panda about his passion for photography. Sebastian’s images are beautiful still-lifes in a…

Could 'Glee' Actually Be Turning More Kids Gay?

No. It’s not. And if you worry about your kid “turning gay,” please don’t. Sexuality is complex. It’s certainly not the either/or, choice/born-this-way matter it’s made out to be in mainstream conversations. Scientists and keen social observers are constantly adding to the dialogue. But as far as any of us are concerned, gayness has always…

When Parents Take Back Facebook

Parents are using their children’s attachment to social media to their advantage, making it a powerful incentive — and punishment — in the age-old struggle to raise kids right. Parents are tightening the reins on their kids’ previously unchecked Internet access, as they begin to better understand the broader implications of social media, constant connectedness…