Social Zazz

Tag: U.S.

Huge Asteroid Cruises Past Earth

An asteroid wider than nine ocean liners sailed safely past Earth today (May 31), making its closest flyby of our planet for at least the next 200 years. Asteroid 1998 QE2, which is about 1.7 miles (2.7 kilometers) wide, cruised within 3.6 million miles (5.8 million km) of Earth at 4:59 p.m. EDT (2059 GMT)…

Text Messaging is the New Political Forum for Young Adults

Apparently sexting isn’t the only heart-pounding activity young adults are getting into on their mobile devices. According to a survey from free texting app textPlus, half of young adults surveyed (ages 18-24) say they’ve discussed the upcoming election on their mobile devices via text message. More than half (56 percent) say they’ve specifically chatted about…

Congressman Todd Akin Removes Fetus From New Webpage

A newly created webpage for embattled Missouri Republican congressman Todd Akin prominently featured a human fetus and a grammatical error until refreshed versions of the website removed the photograph and fixed the mistake. “I’m pro life and I stand with Todd Akin,” read the page. “Tell McCaskill That Your [sic] Standing With Todd Akin!” Version…

Vine Your Earth Day Good Deeds With #GivingVine

In celebration of Earth Day, a website called is asking for people everywhere to submit their own Vines of Earth-friendly acts of kindness under the hashtag #GivingVine. HooplaHa, a self-proclaimed “feel good” website that produces original, guaranteed-to-make-you-smile videos, started the #GivingVine campaign earlier this year with the sole purpose of collecting Vines of good…

Paul Ryan Is Not Master of His Domain Name

The digital rollout of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., as the Republican vice-presidential candidate is hitting a few virtual speed bumps. The Obama team launched a Google advertising campaign keyed to searches on Ryan’s name that links to web pages with talking points criticizing Ryan’s budget proposal. The ad stood alone for a time on Monday,…

First Images of Our Solar System’s Tail Revealed

Astronomers have gotten the first-ever peek at our solar system’s tail, called the heliotail, finding that it’s shaped like a four-leaf clover, NASA scientists announced Wednesday. The discovery was made using NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a coffee-table-sized spacecraft that is studying the edge of the solar system. “Many models have suggested the heliotail might…