Social Zazz

Frustrated Dad Makes Video To Teach His Teens How To Load The Dishwasher

Teenagers are big fans of technicalities, and any conversation you have with them needs to be as logically sound as most legal documents if you don’t want them to exploit some loophole at a later date.

I’m not sure what inspired Will Reid to make a series of instructional videos for his teenagers, but something tells me the phrase, “Well, you never actually taught me how to do it,” was uttered at least once and was met with a gaze colder than Medusa’s stare.

This week, the lecture focuses on the correct way to load a dishwasher, which is a valuable lesson for anyone who thinks soaking dirty dishes in cloudy sink water for three days will somehow make them cleaner.

I’d say he should have taught them how to run it while he was at it, but you don’t want to overwhelm them. That’s a lesson for another day.

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