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People Are Attacking Chrissy Teigen On Twitter Over Her Latest Tweet

Chrissy Teigen has never been one to stay quiet when she has an opinion. So it’s no surprise she got super frank when tweeting about the presidential election on Tuesday night.

Teigen and her husband, John Legend, are publiclyHillary Clinton supporters.

Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination based on delegate count this week, edging out Bernie Sanders.

This did not make Sanders fans too happy, believe it or not. Many Bernie fans suggested they would not vote for Clinton in the general election for president in the fall.

Teigen didn’t find that such a good idea. She tweeted:

Predictably, Teigen’s tweet led to quite a few replies, many of which were from people angry at her.

Sanders supporters have garnered a reputation for making noise on the internet. Sometimes, that’s a good thing for spreading messages and getting people motivated.

Other times, it’s a bad thing in that Sanders supporters send violent threats to people.

But, if there’s one person who can handle the variety of responses a not-feeling-the-Bern tweet will garner, it’s Teigen.

She responded to many of the people who wrote to her, trying to reason with them in 140 characters or fewer.

Ultimately, Teigen stuck to her original message.

It’s that kind of spirit that makes politics so special.

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