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This Wedding Crasher Is Using His ALS to Inspire Millions

He was “born smiling.” Decades later, his light never died…

Yitzi Hurwitz.

A name synonymous with love.

His wife’s nickname for him was Tigger because he was always dancing and bouncing around, trying to brighten everyone’s day. On multiple occasions he would hear there was a wedding and the couple wouldn’t have a lot guests because they were new to town, and Yitzi would get all of his friends together and show up to dance and make their night special.

While he loved making others smile his favorite moments have been spending time with his sevenkids. In an interview, his wife said, “No matter how busy life got he always gave 1,000 percent to those kids.” He always found a reason to smile.

Even his nurse said he was literally born smiling!

Then the diagnosis came.

In 2013 Yitzi found out that he had ALSLou Gehrig’s Disease. One of the things that makes this disease unique is that no two cases are the same, and Yitzi got one of the more brutal forms. He is now no longer able to speak, his body is paralyzed and his only form of communication is by staring at a screen with words on it that turns them into sentences.

Beingforced to communicate through his eyeshasn’t slowed down his love one bit. His wife says that without fail, every time she walks into the room she’s met with a remark like this one:

“This is my wonderful wife Dina, a great and kind heart, beautiful inside and out.”

He can’t move his arms or his legs, but he can still smile.

And that smile is just as contagious as ever. Here he is with his wife and sevenkids:

Instead of being discouraged, Yitzi is determined to continue to inspire the world in whatever way he can. Here’s a sentence that could only be written about someone as incredible as Yitzi: The man who uses his eyes to spell out words has an inspirational blog where he shares his life with the world. That’s right, he has a blog.

He also writes music too:

“Several years ago, while going through a rough patch, I wrote a song asking Hashem to shine a little light and brighten what felt like a darkness that I could not overcome. Then I realized that there is no darkness that cannot be overcome. All I needed to do is dig deep inside and find the light inside me, my beautiful neshama, and let it shine on myself and others. Writing the song uplifted me.”

*Hashem means “The Name” and is a reverent way to refer to God, and neshama means “Soul.”

Well hisimpact was so global that several famous artists got together to perform Yitzi’s song, “Shine a Little Light.” If you would like to join in and help theHurwitz family, feel free to clickhere. Here’s the video they made just for him, share it to keep his smile going!


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