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Woman Gives Birth To The First Baby Girl Her Family’s Had In Over 100 Years


Jeremy Silverton has done something no other Silverton has done in over 100 years: produce a baby girl.

The last Silverton girl was born in 1913, according to the Telegraph, and the British family went on to have 16 boys in a row.

That streak was broken when Jeremy, 43, and his 36-year-old partner, Danielle Andrews, had baby Poppy earlier this month.

Jessie Silverton, Poppy’s late great aunt, was one of five children, all born between 1910 and 1917. The siblings had five children between them, and they somehow all turned out to be boys.

That was the start of this unbelievable chain of male births. Those five boys produced five more, not one girl between them. And those five had seven male Silvertons, two of whom are Jeremy and his brother, Christopher.

Jeremy, a farmer and agricultural lecturer from Devon, Britain, initially believed he would also only have boys since he already had two sons.

The family went ahead and crafted another blue nursery right after discovering Danielle was pregnant for a third time.

But Danielle’s mother, he told the Telegraph, had a funny feeling about this unborn baby.

Jeremy said,

I just thought it was an old wives tale but because Danielle wanted a girl so badly we decided to go get a scan to find out the gender. We couldn’t believe it when we got the news from the scans.

As soon as we got home the previously blue nursery was repainted pink and white, there was no time wasted.

When I first told my mother over the phone it took about five minutes for the penny to drop that she would be having a granddaughter and not another grandson.

Poppy was born on September 9, weighing 8 pounds and 11 ounces.

Jeremy said that out of all the theories he’s heard as to why the male streak was broken, only one stands out as a plausible reason.

He told the Telegraph,

There’s a theory that excessive vibrations can affect sperm count and the strength of sperm. So if you’ve been sitting on a shaky old tractor all day it may effect the type of sperm you produce. But these days tractors are very smooth and comfortable – that could be why I’ve finally had a girl.

The proud father also said that Poppy will most likely be very spoiled, and his two boys, Harry and Oscar, are not at all upset to have a sister.

H/T: Telegraph, Photo Courtesy: SWNS

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