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Brazilian Presidential Candidate Dies In Plane Crash

A private jet carrying presidential candidate Eduardo Campos crashed on Wednesday in the city of Santos, reported Reuters. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { if (BF_STATIC.bf_test_mode) localStorage.setItem(‘posted_date’, 1407946014); }); BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_posted_time_3416805”).innerHTML = “posted on ” + UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(1407946014); });

1. A jet carrying Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos crashed in Santos, according to O Globo. The aircraft was on its way from Rio to Guaruja when it lost control as it was preparing to land, according to the Brazilian Air Force.

A jet carrying Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos crashed in Santos, according to O Globo . The aircraft was on its way from Rio to Guaruja when it lost control as it was preparing to land, according to the Brazilian Air Force.

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Twitter: @portalR7

2. According to G1, the 49-year-old Campos has been confirmed dead as a result of the crash.

G1 @g1

Aeronave cai e fere 10 em Santos; acompanhe as últimas informaçཞs:

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