Social Zazz

No Costume Beats A Princess Jasmine Cat Riding A Magic Carpet Roomba


If you’re one of those people who is waiting for the future we were promised back in the 1950s, there’s a pretty good chance you own a Roomba, also known as the vacuum people buy when they want to tell other people their house is cleaned by a robot.

You’d think not having to do any work to clean your floors would be enough to justify the $700 price tag, but if you need extra incentive, you should be aware that Roombas are also great for transporting small animals from room to room in the least efficient manner possible.

This cat first made a name for itself when it dressed up as a shark and hitched a ride on a vacuum during Halloween a couple of years ago. This year, he decided to dress up as Princess Jasmine from “Aladdin” and show himself the world known as the inside of his kitchen.

If you don’t get hooked right away, then you should probably just stop. It’s a cat dressed as a Disney princess riding a Roomba — either you get it or you don’t.

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