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#CrimingWhileWhite Shows How Police Create Major Racial Divides



Both black and white America are having a very important conversation on Twitter right this instant.

Yesterday’s grand jury decision not to indict white police officer Daniel Pantaleo for the death of Eric Garner, a black man illegally selling cigarettes in Staten Island, led to protest and tears for many Americans.

And while activists marched the streets of cities across the country, many used social media to share their feelings about this case, as well as the one of black teenager Mike Brown, whose death sparked rioting in Ferguson.

Under the hashtag #CrimingWhileWhite, earnest discussion began about how police treat white people differently than black people.

Television writer Jason Ross reportedly began the conversation with his own memory of committing crimes as a white teen.


Thousands joined in on the #CrimingWhileWhite conversation, sharing their stories of privilege.

— Erin Ash (@Erin_Ash156) December 4, 2014

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