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The 30 Happiest Animals In The World That Will Make You Smile

These 30 animals that look like they’re smiling are bound to warm even the stone-cold jaded hearts among us. [Read more…]

Not so fast, however – the scientific jury is still out on whether or not animals can/do actually smile. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect that the smiles we see on these animals are a case of pareidolia – our tendency to see human faces in everything around us. And many animals have different complex visual cues to express their emotions that may preclude the need for smiling. Dogs already communicate with each other by raising their haunches, baring their teeth, changing their postures and raising, lowering or wagging their tales, so it would be reasonable to expect that smiles just aren’t a part of their already complex physical vocabulary.

However, scientists are increasingly warming up to the idea that animals may have a more complex range of emotions and that some of them may even have facial expressions similar to ours. In 2010, a controversial experiment held at McGill University determined that mice have distinct facial expressions to express pain, which can be used to monitor their discomfort during a given experiment.


Source: imgur

Image credits: Andrea Zampatti

Image credits: unknown

Image credits: Ronnie Bergström

Image credits: Paul Sakuma

Image credits: Alina S

Image credits: Sylvain Cordier

Image credits: Jackson Carson

Source: imgur

Image credits: Morten Hilmer

Image credits: Luisa Puccini


Image credits: Chris Gamel

Image credits: Allen Skyy Enriquez

Source: imgur

Source: imgur

Image credits: unknown


Image credits: Nemodus

Image credits: Michael Hutch

Image credits: Julian Morales

Source: imgur

Source: imgur

Source: reddit

Image credits: Peter Krejzl



Image credits: Duncan Noakes

Image credits: Maureen Ravelo

Image credits: Maureen Ravelo

P.S. We always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please contact us if you know the missing authors.


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