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These Bizarre Tex-Mex Sushi Rolls Cross The Border Between Tacos And Sushi (Video)


Obscure food concoctions seem to be trending these days.

Not too long ago, we introduced you to a cereal bowl made entirely out of chocolate chip cookie dough by The Vulgar Chef, a food blogger known for crafting art out of food.

This time, we’re visiting the world of sushi, but not just any ordinary sushi rolls — Tex-Mex sushi rolls!

The daredevils of the food world, Epic Meal Time, put together this food concoction. Each sushi roll features the same ingredients you’d find in a cheesy quesadilla, jam-packed burrito or crunchy taco.

The strangest part? Each roll is topped with Nerds candies.

Check out the video above for a closer look!

H/T: Design Taxi

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