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Gmail Now Lets You Search Within Email Attachments


Beating your head against the wall trying to find a specific attachment in your overstuffed Gmail inbox? Google just made life easier for you with a newly added keyword search feature for Gmail attachments.

Previously, the popular email client only allowed search within text files, but now users can search within files from several leading programs, such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Powerpoint and more. This comes just a few months after the company announced that personal emails will turn up in your search results.

Several other popular email clients — Yahoo and Outlook included — have had this feature for years. To try this out for yourself, simply add “has:attachment” to the beginning of any keyword query. Limiting the search to a specific file type involves adding “filename:(file type)” to the search term.

For example, if you wanted to look for the name of your favorite tech website in a PDF attachment, you would type: “has:attachment filename:PDF Tecca” into Gmail’s search. That search will then pull up the related content.

Have you tried out Gmail’s latest feature yet? Tell us what you think about it in the comments.

This article originally published at Tecca

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