Social Zazz

Tag: bbc

You Can Follow “Great British Bake Off” Contestants On Twitter

That’s right, they’re all there. Not many people have noticed yet, so follow and boast about following them while you still can. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { if (BF_STATIC.bf_test_mode) localStorage.setItem(‘posted_date’, 1409228274); }); BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_posted_time_3430993”).innerHTML = “posted on ” + UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(1409228274); }); 1. N-O-R-M-A-N is on Twitter. He’s @normcalder. View this image › The Great British…

BBC News Report Remixed

Cassetteboy is a popular YouTube channel focused on remixing videos to make them something entirely different than the original. His latest victim was the BBC News at Six. They took 15 different reports and sliced and diced them together to create one very funny and absurd report.    [youtube] Read more: