Social Zazz

Tag: Funny

Man Starts Dance Party On Australian Train

There are unspoken rules about traveling on public transportation. You’re supposed to sit in your seat quietly, and never make eye-contact. But Aussie Peter Sharp isn’t one for rules. So he took a boombox on a Perth train and started an impromptu dance party. At first passengers just clapped along, but soon the entire car was dancing!   …

100 Greatest Maniacal Movie Laughs

Editing master honsco first went viral with his ‘Saying The Movie Title In The Actual Movie Compilation‘ that now stands with over 650,000 hits.  Now, his supercut of the ‘100 Greatest Maniacal Movie Laughs‘ is trending, and is featured on HuffPost, MarySue, and MSNnow.  How much of the video can you watch before you start to lose your mind?   Read…

What If The Earth Stopped Spinning

We may not feel it, but the Earth is constantly spinning at over 300 meters per second. But what would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning? Michael of Vsauce explains that the moment the Earth, stopped everything that is not Earth would fly east at over 1,000 miles per hour! And that’s just the start. It…

Jon Stewart Proves Double Standards For Female Politicians With The Most Hilarious Evidence Possible

Really, when was the last time you heard a dude (politician or not) be described as too emotional? Fair warning: Be sure you’re not drinking anything when you get to the last line of this segment. [hulu id=h4sp6i9uvclrtrwm64i3ta width=512 height=288] Read more:

When Equality And Social Justice Goes Too Far In School

Australian comedianNeel Kolhatkarparodies this concept when social justice and equality goesway, way too far in this latest viral sketch in which all students grades are averaged together to ‘be fair’ and their grade is lowered based on their privilege.   [youtube] Read more:

How To Be Old

This animation describes perfectly the fear of becoming and being old. Which feelings do you let in and which emotions are better to avoid? [youtube] Advertisement Read more: