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25 Cartoon Characters We Wish We Could Be Friends With In Real Life

Some of the best friends humanity has ever known have been confined to a two-dimensional world. Here are 25 cartoon characters we wish we could be friends with in real life.

25. Arnold

He definitely knows what it means to be politically correct in his choice of friends. You wouldn’t have to worry about offending people.

24. Charlie Brown

Everyone needs a depressed friend in the bunch. It’s either him or Eeyore.

23. Homer Simpson

Some days all you want to do is have a donut. We get that.

22. Captain Planet

But only if he keeps work at work. Don’t push your hippie agenda on us, man. We all want to stop polluters too. Take it down a notch.

21. Animaniacs

For the times you want to just bust out into song, they’re ready for it.

20. Bobby

No explanation needed. It’s Bobby.

19. Nanny

Only just to know what her face actually looked like. And to ask her why she thought wearing purple and green together every episode was a good idea.

18. Batman/Bruce Wayne

No more stopping at red lights with a ride in the Batmobile.

17. Fat Albert

Everyone needs that friend that is always up for dessert.

16. Tommy Pickles

Life needs adventures and he’s sure to take you on some.

15. Mickey Mouse

Kind of just feels wrong to have a list like this and not have him on it.

14. Garfield

He’s that friend that knows all the best places to eat.

13. Heathcliff the Cat

It’d just be fun to hear how often he gets called Garfield.

12. Barney Rubble

Loyal and apparently really good with the ladies. You don’t get a girl like Betty without having some skills.

11. Patrick Star

Everyone needs a friend who is doing nothing with his life and is always free to hang out.

10. Bugs Bunny

You need to be friends with him because you wouldn’t want him against you.

9. David the Gnome

Nice guy. Probably would pick up the check most of the time.

8. Swift the Fox

Well, he and David the Gnome arekind of a package deal.

7. April

Might as well have a friend you can be in love with but can’t do anything about it.

6. Boo Boo

The perfect sidekick and the voice of reasoning we all need.

5. Randy Marsh

He’s just funny to watch.

4. Scrooge McDuck

If you can get on his good side, he’d probably end up paying for your college tuition.

3. Inspector Gadget

If anything it’d just be nice to activate some go-go-gadget backscratchers every now and then.

2. Mr. Dink

Everyone needs a friend with an unlimited supply of money who doesn’t mind blowing it on useless contraptions.

1. Launchpad McQuack

He’s loyal and good with whatever needs fixing. And what’s better than a getaway car? A getaway plane of course.

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