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Community Post: 20 Sexy Moments Of BEYONCÉ

So, just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Queen Bey released an album in December, BY SURPRISE! Literally, it was like she was sitting in her living room, in her diamond-encrusted pajamas and panda-fur slippers, and just thought “meh, I’m bored, let’s stick this mutha up on iTunes”.

And in the wee hours of December 13, 2013, Bey decided to remind everyone why she’s the leader of the universe. Now, instead of treating us to the Beyoncé we know and love, she decided to release this closeted sex beast inside of her, the raging hormone monster that she’s kept inside for all these years. To celebrate the birth of Beyoncé the sex machine, here are 20 sexy moments that can be found on the visual album. Take a seat and get ready, cause the Queen Bey’s about to sting.

And on that note, Beyoncé is the sexiest sex machine alive, good luck to you Jay-Z, can you handle it?

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